
Read on to see what people who have attended workshops, contributed or bought merchandise, and/or submitted a story have to say about their experience with So, I had an abortion…

  • To submit your own, email soihadanabortion@protonmail.com


Sigue leyendo para ver lo que gente que han atentido talleres, contribuido o comprado mencancía, y/o ha enviado una historia han dicho de sus experiencias con So, I had an abortion…

  • Para enviar uno, email soihadanabortion@protonmail.com

“I truly appreciated this space! It gave me a lot to think about and given me more confidence to think through these experiences in a different way.”

  • participant, workshop: Not just a cis-sue: trans resilience & abortion with A.J., (16 Jan 2022)

“The workshop was beautiful. I felt safe, held, supported & loved in the space. I was grateful to move, create, share and be witnessed. So much gratitude for the work you [are] doing around [an] experience that so often can feel lonely and gets suppressed to avoid the pain.”

  • participant, workshop: Womb Stories with Ángela y Verónica (20 Feb 2022)

“It was so special to have a space to talk [about] where grief was allowed and my really hard-earned insights about my own experience were able to be witnessed and received in such a loving and affirming way. I am now 6 years (and 1 month, and 20 days) out from my abortion, and have been struggling with the dominant pro-choice narrative since it happened. This was the first time I have ever engaged openly with the topic and not felt like my perspectives were totally fringe and requiring a bunch of qualifiers to justify."

  • participant, workshop: De-mystifying & Re-mystifying Abortion with Mariel (18 Mar 2022)

"I wanted to reach out and say a huge thank you for facilitating [the workshop] and creating such a safe and accepting space for us to share our experiences. I also wanted to say that your work and that of all who provide their time for Soihadanabortion has really helped me open up to a deep level of confidence and connection to myself and my own forms of expression."

  • participant, workshop: De-mystifying & Re-mystifying Abortion with Mariel (18 Mar 2022)

“My experience with So, I Had an Abortion was not at all what I expected. Julia and Sneha created such a warm, welcoming and safe space, which is not easy over Zoom. I loved the grounding and the incorporation of art into the healing process. I had my abortion 24 years ago. This is the first experience I've had where I've been allowed to heal. There were more feelings still around the moment than I realized. I left this experience more in touch with my feelings around my abortion and how to continue moving forward. I am so grateful this workshop showed up in my space.”

  • participant, workshop: Love, Loss & Grief with Senah Rooh (19 Nov 2022)

"It was my first time actually taking part in something like this and even though my abortion happened so many years ago I buried everything until recently when I decided to see that episode of my life. [the facilitators] were very good at making me feel safe and understood. I felt seen and [they] both created an empowering place where I felt my feelings were mirrored for the first time. I felt free to live my grief and allowed to feel contrasting emotions without the need to explain or justify them. [they] both made me feel less alone and gave me a sense of community!"

  • participant, workshop: Deconstructing Abortion with Saint-Saëns

"el taller superó mis expectativas, Rosalba es una excelente tallerista, los temas tratados y esta maravillosa reconexión con la voz y la cuerpa es fundamental para la sanación primero personal pero sobre todo colectiva, creo firmemente que las espacias seguras como estas son trasgresoras y vitales para las mujeres, me pareció bastante innovador lo de tener a alguien específica para la contención emocional porque de pronto eso es algo que se da más implícitamente, no me queda más que felicitarte por tu labor”

“[El taller] Ha superado por mucho mis expectativas, me han hecho conocer, aprender, reconocer y poder crecer un poco más en mi, empatizar, por ser y sentir en compañía, me ha hecho sentir calldez en un hueco que había en mi. Me encantó expresarme y poder admirarlas al expresarse también, ser hermanas y amigas que nunca se habían comunicado, me sentí en plena confianza, nada fue forzado, me sentía con plena en libertad en el espacio que abrimos para platicar.”

  • participante. taller: Historias del útero con Ángela & Verónica (11 dic 2021)